
I know, I know,

I have been super neglectful of this blog. School has been ridiculously hard, and so has my partying.

I swear I'll be back with a vengence in no time flat.

In the mean time, answer these questions:

1. Is there one thing all of your love interests have had in common?

2. When was your first kiss?

3. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets again or not wash your bath towel ever again, which would you rather not wash?

4. Are you currently mad at someone?

5. If you won a million dollars today and you were not allowed to spend any of it on yourself, you would...

6.Where is the weirdest place you have slept?

7. Last time you puked from drinking was...

8. Favorite style of underwear?

9. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?

10. Who would you rather be: Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones and why?

I knew these questions are suuuuper lame and sooo livejournal circa 2001 but deal with it. I am under mental and physical stress and its time you all talked for a change!!!


Graham Ettridge said...

Okay here goes... (and no laughing, madame!)

1) They have all been female...lol!

2) First kiss was 15 years old... a schooltime crush - took me a couple of years to pluck up the courage to ask.

3) I so truly love the smell of fresh bed sheets - so I guess it would be the bath towel.

4) Yes

5) I had an accident when walking in some mountains a couple of years ago. I was rescued by the police, ambulance crew, fire brigade, mountain rescue and was airlifted to hospital by the Royal Air Force. It was a couple of days before New Year's Eve and the Mountain Rescue team were all volunteers. So I would probably give them some money to get new equipment.

6) In a sleeping bag on top of Mount Sinai in Egypt (where Moses supposedly got the 10 commandments from).

7) About three weeks ago...ooops! (still, better out than in...lol!)

8)Boxer Shorts

9)It has to be black lingerie

10)Indiana Jones - I am an adventurer and have spent time in the canoeing Amazon Jungle, Camel Trekking in the Sahara and Sinai Deserts, Skiing in the French Alps, trekking in the Marshlands & Primeval Forests of Poland. There is something magical about exploring the places that few people have ventured into.

Blackjack Game said...

What necessary words... super, a magnificent phrase